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Pre 22 godine iy Nisa sam dobila na poklon stihove Kazandžijsko sokače (Coppersmith's Alley)
Najbolja jagnjetina u gradu, uz Bovinovu tamjaniku Mali podrum (English explanation or translation: Small Basement)
Totalni neprofesionalizam,već drugi put ,iako Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)
Pa jel ima salata il nema?! Samo dunja i kisela?in Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)
Haaahhha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!in Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)
Interesting facts
Stara Palanka, a Small Village but a Lot of Kafanas
Stara Palanka, a village with roughly 20 homes and about the same number of residents, has 5 kafanas!!! What is more interesting is the fact that all of them are doing great, both in the winter and in the summer. The oldest kafana in Stara Palanka is 'Kod Djele' ('At Djela's') which was opened...
Kafana Olio
Although it became familiar to many since 2006, kafana 'Olio' has a 15-year-old tradition but it's been occupying the current location for only a couple of years now. This is certainly a kafana with the best garden in Niš, even though it is side-by-side with the railroad (somebody could be bothered by the occational passing of trains).
The kafana has its own barbecue in the garden corner; no one can resist the smell which turns an ordinary passer-by into a regular guest. The kafana's capacity is 40, plus 60 in the garden. The clientele is various, there are no rules so you have no excuse for not visiting it yet.
Talking about the menu and what the kafana has to offer, we definitely recommend local cheese and rakija, then all sorts of chowders after which you should certainly order lamb and mutton specialties, 'jagnjeće sarmice' ('sarmica' is made of cabage leaves stuffed with ground lamb meat), 'ovčiji repovi' (lamb tails) and other specialties. Surely mutton and lamb are the specialties of this kafana,so you should try them by all means.
Unlike the other city kafanas, here you can try 'pohovani kačamak' (in English, 'breaded polenta') (maybe one more kafana in town has this meal on its menu but we still didn't have time to check).
The kafana doesn't have live music except in special occasions but the owner, who is also the chef, is always in the mood for it :)
It is praiseworthy that the kafana accepts all the credit cards except fot the American Express. Reservation is generally not required , but is recommendable. Working hours are from 9 a.m. to midnight every day except for Sunday when the kafana isn't working.
, Nis
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