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Kafanas by city

Pre 22 godine iy Nisa sam dobila na poklon stihove Kazandžijsko sokače (Coppersmith's Alley)

Najbolja jagnjetina u gradu, uz Bovinovu tamjaniku Mali podrum (English explanation or translation: Small Basement)

Totalni neprofesionalizam,već drugi put ,iako Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)

Pa jel ima salata il nema?! Samo dunja i kisela?in Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)

Haaahhha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!in Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)

Interesting facts

The Bermuda Triangle

"The Bermuda Triangle" in Belgrade consisted of the kafanas "Šumatovac", "Pod lipom" (in English "Under the Lime Treee") and "Grmeč" and got its name after the real "Bermuda Triangle" since the journalists and the writers who...


Kafanas and Bakery Stores of Užice

Simply said - imagine cities, towns, even the most remote villages without kafanas. A city, big or small, without kafanas is just like a man without a palate sitting in front of the full table of delicacies. An urban giant or a dwarf without the feeling of the scent or taste deprived of the...

Kafana Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)

Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)

Not far from Niš, in the direction of the Kamenica village and the Monument on Čegar Hill, 12 km away from Niš dowtown, Kamenički vis Resort is situated. Once a great place for a vacation and relaxation for the people of Niš, today - a bit neglected place. However, it still has that 'something' which adorns this natural idyll -  what else but a kafana and what a kafana it is... the only one in the city and its vicinity which offers venison specialties.

The ambience itself, the nature, the rare specialties and an excellent 'dunja' (a rakia made of quince) leave you speechless.

'Kafana kod Šipe - Kamenički vis' (English explanation: At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) exists under this name for about 40 years when it was taken over by the present owner Šipa, an old 'meraklija' and a hunter and, as told by the old hunters, one of the best in the south-eastern parts of Serbia. Since then, the kafana gains a lot, both in its look and in its quality of the menu.

A piece of advice: since you are already there, don't waste your time looking at the menu-order a shot of home-made 'dunja' and a venison meat, and while you are enjoying the rakija and salads, the simmering venison meat is brought to your table in pottery dishes...

While you are waiting, you should definitely try a home-made sheep cheese because, judging by what Šipa the owner told us, it is made in the best months when sheep are grazing high quality pastures on the slopes of the nearby mountains.

Barbecue and fish meats are also excellent here which we witnessed ourselves, but since you can eat these almost anywhere in town, trying it seems like a waste of time and it certainly isn't something you should eat in this idyllic ambience.

Whether you have ordered a venison or a wild boar meat, it's all the same, so the smartest thing to do is order both! The venison is always fresh, coming from our region, that is, from the slopes of the Tupižnica Mt. and Stara Mt. in the vicinity of the City of Knjaževac. One more specialty is certainly a home-made venison sausage.

The kafana isn't small either in the inside or on the outside. The garden has around 50 seats, although there is more than enough place so you can count on even more people to fit there. The inside is ornamented with hunting trophies and motifs, and it counts around 60-70 seats. There is also an upper storey which is in function when needed, in case of a celebration or similar.

Talking about the kafana's design and beauty is a simple waste of words, you'd better go and visit it for yourselves if you didn't have a chance by now.

Now, a word or two about the surrounding area... The sea level height of 814 m and a breath-taking view of Niš is a reason enough to make your way to this resort for a small picnic or a longer walk (for the braver ones who are in shape) so that you can make a getaway from the city tumult and the traffic jam.  

There is a complex of log-cabins in kafana's vicinity, or better to say bungalows, coyly tucked in the woods near the road. Already cracked and covered with conifer needles, a narrow and winding concrete lane leads the way from one house to the other. Unfortunately, the houses are in miserable state, the woodenware is rotten and broken caused by years of not using and not maintaining it. Let's hope it will be adapted in the near future so that it can serve as a refuge from the civilisation to all of us, an oasis of peace and relaxation.

 Каменички вис, Nis
 +381 18 652 111, +381 63 855 61 41

  • Додатни коментар

    Од домаћих ракијица ту је дуња, није јака, баш онаква каква треба да буде, и одличног мириса.

  • Додатни коментар

    Роштиљ и риба су одлични али ипак наручите дивљач и у потпуности уживајте

  • Додатни коментар

    Дивљач, мала срна и дивља свиња

  • Дивљач
  • Додатни коментар

    Специјалитет кафане је дивљач, топло вам препоручујемо срнетину, дивљу свињу и домаћу кобасицу од дивљачи. Наручите све штета је да нешто прескочите :)

  • Чекање на конобара

    Нема чекања

  • Чекање наруџбине

    Колико је потребно да се спреми

  • Чистоћа прибора и чаша


  • Љубазност конобара


  • Чистоћа тоалета


  • Паркинг


  • Башта


  • Додатни коментар

    Паркинг за 20 кола, мада у околини има толико места да можете паркирати и доста више возила. Иста ситуација са баштом која са 3 стране опасује кафану и броји 50 места, али по потреби то може такође бити много више.

Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort) Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)