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Pre 22 godine iy Nisa sam dobila na poklon stihove Kazandžijsko sokače (Coppersmith's Alley)
Najbolja jagnjetina u gradu, uz Bovinovu tamjaniku Mali podrum (English explanation or translation: Small Basement)
Totalni neprofesionalizam,već drugi put ,iako Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)
Pa jel ima salata il nema?! Samo dunja i kisela?in Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)
Haaahhha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!in Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)
Interesting facts
Stara Palanka, a Small Village but a Lot of Kafanas
Stara Palanka, a village with roughly 20 homes and about the same number of residents, has 5 kafanas!!! What is more interesting is the fact that all of them are doing great, both in the winter and in the summer. The oldest kafana in Stara Palanka is 'Kod Djele' ('At Djela's') which was opened...
"Kafanas are our most stable industrial branch which survived sanctions, hyper-inflation, tomahawk- democracy threats as well as the distending of the new world order. Whatever happens in the country and in the world, our (Serbian) man philosophically sits in a crowded kafana with a bottle...
Kafana Etno koliba ('Ethno Cabin')
One more pearl hiding in Pantelej; somehow, at the middle of the way leading from kafana Orač (in English, it means a plowman) to the Church of St. Pantelejmon, kafana Etno koliba ('Ethno Cabin') is situated in one of the rear streets. It doesn't exist many significant years, but with its service it has already gain respect of the lovers of this institution. About 12 years ago, some other kafana existed at this location- Etno Esnaf (in English, 'Ethno Guild'), but with changing its owner it changed its name also, and it's existed by its current name for the last 3-4 years. Luckily, Etno Esnaf hasn't been shut down, it has only changed its location :).
The kafana isn't big, which has its own 'zing', and it covers 30-40 people. Wood whereever you look at, chairs, tables, stools, three-legged chairs... then, rugs on the floor and the walls shift your attention from the checkered table-cloths. Just above your heads, dimmed light emitted from the dusty lanterns. All of this is completed by the sound of tamburitza that fits here perfectly.
I sit down, the chair beneath me squels and grinds; with domestic pear-rakija and a salad, I open the menu. The menu is rich but not abounding. Alluring names of the domestic meals immediately catch your eye so it's difficult to decide what to eat. The real specialties are chicken fillet in mushroom sauce, smoked and fresh 'seljačko meso' ('peasants' meat'-different kinds of meat all served together) (it's great), then, 'seljačko drpano meso' (in English, it can be translated as 'peasants' torn-meat' etc. etc. Of coarse, you can also find twisted pies there, even a pizza which is different from the menu's order a bit, but it is certainly a plus for the picky ones.
The kafana is a bit out of the way and not near the main streets, which is its advantage since there is no noise. The guests are mainly the young who like to drop by, drink a glass or two, and certainly have a bite before going out to clubs. Although the kafana has little capacity, a reservation is not needed except in the evening, especially on the weekends.
Дубровачка 1, Nis
+381 18 42 13 662; +381 65 416 44 22
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Од домаћих ракијица само смо наишли на крушковачу која је одлична и можда мало јача него што смо очекивали :)
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Поред домаћих јела којима се овде диче, и роштиљ им не заостаје по квалитету и разноврсности. Ту су поред стандардних роштиљских специјалитета присутни и пилеће ролнице, овча кобасица, сељачки филе, сељачко дрпано месо и шпански прсти.
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Специјалитети куће су свакако кувана јела и остале ђаконије спремљене на посебан изворни начин који се служе у грнчарији. Само ћемо споменути пар специјалитета из понуде: Етно буткица, телећи репови, јагњећа сармица, мађарска шницла и пилећи филе у сосу од шампињона
- Чекање на конобара
Нема чекања
- Чекање наруџбине
Колико је потребно да се спреми
- Чистоћа прибора и чаша
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Атмосфера је веома пријатна и домаћинска, томе доприноси однос према госту и сам амбијент који је присан и интиман.
- Врста
Нема редовне живе музике, али је избор одличан, тамбурице иду одлично уз овај етно амбијент. Када се задеси жива музика сатављена од цигана тамбураша можете само да замислите лом који настаје!
Додатни коментар
Башта је веома мала, пар столова испред саме кафане што је довољно за 10-15 људи. Кафана се налази у малој споредној улици тако да је простора за паркинг веома мало.