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Pre 22 godine iy Nisa sam dobila na poklon stihove Kazandžijsko sokače (Coppersmith's Alley)
Najbolja jagnjetina u gradu, uz Bovinovu tamjaniku Mali podrum (English explanation or translation: Small Basement)
Totalni neprofesionalizam,već drugi put ,iako Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)
Pa jel ima salata il nema?! Samo dunja i kisela?in Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)
Haaahhha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!in Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)
Interesting facts
Stara Palanka, a Small Village but a Lot of Kafanas
Stara Palanka, a village with roughly 20 homes and about the same number of residents, has 5 kafanas!!! What is more interesting is the fact that all of them are doing great, both in the winter and in the summer. The oldest kafana in Stara Palanka is 'Kod Djele' ('At Djela's') which was opened...
"Pored puta" ("Along the Road") Kafana
The kafana was located on the second floor of the house and people could climb to it stepping over seventeen steps made from chiseled stone, and the handrail, or balustrade as people prefer calling it, represented the blue-coloured metal pipes with two scraped vase-forms screwed on. Heavy...