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Kafanas by city

Pre 22 godine iy Nisa sam dobila na poklon stihove Kazandžijsko sokače (Coppersmith's Alley)

Najbolja jagnjetina u gradu, uz Bovinovu tamjaniku Mali podrum (English explanation or translation: Small Basement)

Totalni neprofesionalizam,već drugi put ,iako Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)

Pa jel ima salata il nema?! Samo dunja i kisela?in Kod Šipe-Kamenički vis (At Šipa's-Kamenički vis Resort)

Haaahhha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!in Оrač (English explanation or translation: The Plowman)

Interesting facts

An Interesting Record from 1961

By drinking up 235.819 liters of beer, 235.819 l of wine, 235.819 l of rakija and 235.819 l of other spirits with the amount sold in four wine cellars and supermarkets altogether in far 1961, 230 million dinars were spent on liquor which equals the building expenses of eight-storied National...


Kafanas and Bakery Stores of Užice

Simply said - imagine cities, towns, even the most remote villages without kafanas. A city, big or small, without kafanas is just like a man without a palate sitting in front of the full table of delicacies. An urban giant or a dwarf without the feeling of the scent or taste deprived of the...

Kafana Beli bagrem (White Acacia)

Beli bagrem (White Acacia)

 , Nis


Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia) Beli bagrem (White Acacia)